5 min dibaca
29 Oct

Versi Bahasa Indonesia

Sebuah penghargaan membedakan perusahaan dari pesaing dan membedakan kualitas pencapaian dan layanannya dari yang lain. Sebuah penghargaan membantu perusahaan menonjol untuk keunggulan di atas dan di atas banyak perusahaan lain di industri yang sama.

Transafe Dharma Persada Memenangkan "The Most Reputable Training Consulting Company of The Year" di "Indonesia Entrepreneur and Education Award 2019"

Transafe Dharma Persada baru-baru ini memenangkan Penghargaan di "INDONESIA Entrepreneur and Education Award 2019". Judul penghargaan adalah "The Most Reputable Training Consulting Company of The Year". Upacara pemberian penghargaan diadakan di Hotel Royal Ambarrukmo, Yogyakarta pada hari Jumat, 18 Oktober 2019. Penghargaan ini diselenggarakan oleh Nyne Communication, yang bekerjasama dengan Majalah “Indonesia Inspire!”.

Transafe Dharma Persada diwakili oleh Bpk. Teguh Dony Budidharma, Direktur Transafe untuk menghadiri acara tersebut dan menerima penghargaan. Penghargaan ini dberikan langsung oleh Bpk. Gunadi, Ketua acara ini.

Laksdya TNI (Purn) Gunadi. MBA, menyebutkan dalam undangannya bahwa kualifikasi nominasi adalah: Orang yang unggul dan perusahaan yang dianggap kreatif, inovatif, berprestasi dan berjasa dalam upaya memberikan cakrawala sebagai tolok ukur pekerjaan putra bangsa, membangkitkan semangat untuk mendukung keberhasilan pembangunan nasional serta prestise, aktualisasi serta membuka peluang yang lebih luas di kancah nasional maupun internasional.

Penghargaan ini merupakan rekomendasi dari Kementerian Indonesia, lembaga pemerintah, LSM dan sektor swasta yang diharapkan dapat lebih meningkatkan kinerja dan kreativitas penerima penghargaan.

Penilaian didasarkan pada beberapa kriteria seperti kualitas, inovasi, kinerja, akuntabilitas, perawatan, dan lainnya. Tim Peneliti Majalah Inspire Indonesia meneliti dengan responden dari pengusaha, pengusaha, dan pemilik bisnis di Wilayah Jakarta Raya (Jabodetabek) dan kota-kota besar lainnya.

Dalam Interviewnya selepas menerima penghargaan ini, Bapak Dony Berkata:

"Sejak lama saya pahami bahwa dunia itu luas.. tapi semenjak bertemu dengan orang2 yang telah berhasil memberikan kontribusi mereka pada masyarakat dan dunia kerja.. saya jadi tau bahwa dunia yang luas itu adalah "Nyata"

Terima kasih kepada seluruh Team Transafe Dharma Persada atas kontribusi dan dedikasinya kepada perusahaan dan tenaga kerja Indonesia, sehingga Transafe bisa memberikan sumbangsihnya dalam mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, mencegah kecelakaan kerja dan penyakit akibat lerja serta meningkatkan kompetensi pekerja agar kehidupan mereka kedepan lebih berkualitas..

Saya hanya perantara untuk menerima, tetapi sejatinya penghargaan ini saya dedikasikan untuk Seluruh Keluarga Besar Transafe.

Sukses selalu bersama.kita.."

PT Transafe Dharma Persada Group terdiri dari 3 entitas Bisnis/perusahaan yaitu Transafe Indonesia, TransWISH Indonesia dan LSP Transafe.

About Transafe Indonesia

Transafe Indonesia is a registered HSEQ (Health safety Environment Quality) training and consulting services in Indonesia. Registered Training Provider at Ministry of Manpower, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and Registered Competence Assessment Venue by BNSP More Information can be obtained in Transafe Indonesia website (http://www.transafeindonesia.com)



About TransWISH Indonesia

TransWISH Indonesia is a division of PT. Transafe Dharma Persada which specializes in Training For Trainer Sertifikasi BNSP, Soft Skill training and People Development Program. People Development Programs Included in the service is Training of Trainer, Leadership skill, Management skill, Professional skill, consulting, certification and team building (http://www.transwishindonesia.com) 

About LSP Transafe Indonesia 

LSP Transafe Indonesia is Authorized Professional Certification Institution (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi) in the focus of HSE and Oil and Gas Industry. Currently has 27 Scheme including Sea Survival BNSP and HUET Sertifikasi BNSP for Oil and Gas needs.

Release Versi Bahasa Inggris / News Release English Version

An award sets a company apart from competitors and differentiates the quality of its achievements and services from others. An award helps a company stand out for excellence over and above many other companies in the same industry.

Transafe Dharma Persada Won "The Most Reputable Training Consulting Company of The Year” Award at ”Indonesia Entrepreneur and Education Award 2019"

Transafe Dharma Persada recently won Award at "INDONESIA Entrepreneur and Education Award 2019". The Award title is The Most Reputable Training Consulting Company of The Year. Awarding ceremony held at Hotel Royal Ambarrukmo, Yogyakarta on Friday, Oct 18th, 2019. The award is held by Nyne's communication, incorporating “Indonesia Inspire!” Magazine.

Transafe Dharma Persada represents by Mr. Teguh Dony Budidharma, Transafe's Director to attend the event and receiving the award. This award is handled directly by Mr. Gunadi, The Chairman of this event.

Laksdya TNI (Purn) Gunadi. MBA, mention in his invitation that the qualification of nomination are: Superior person and company considered creative, Innovative, achievement and meritorious in the effort to give the horizon as yardstick of the nation's son's work, arousing the spirit to support the success of national development as well as prestige, actualization as well as opening wider opportunities in the national arena.

The award is a recommendation from the Indonesian Ministry, government agencies, NGOs and the private sector are expected to further improve the performance and creativity of award recipients.

Assessment is based on several criteria such as quality, innovation, performance, accountability, care, and others. The Indonesian Inspire Magazine Research Team researches with respondents from businessmen, entrepreneurs, and business owners in Great Jakarta Area and other big cities.

Mr. Budidharma gave an official statement regarding this award. In the interview he stated:

"Alhamdulillah. This award makes pride and happiness. Every Year PT Transafe Dharma Persada group always carves achievements in the industry and includes companies with good development graphs among many other companies on a medium scale.

I have known for a long time that the world is vast; But since I met people who have successfully contributed to society and the employees working world, I have come to know that the vast world is "Real".

Thank you to the entire Transafe Dharma Persada Team for their contribution and dedication to Indonesian companies and workers, so that Transafe can contribute to the intellectual life of the nation, prevent work accidents and illnesses caused by work and increase the competence of workers so that their lives will be of higher quality. I am only an intermediary to accept, but actually, I dedicate this award to the entire Transafe Large Family

Success is Always with us together.

Read the official Publications in Bahasa Indonesia here


Transafe Dharma Persada Group of Companies consists of Trasnafe Indonesia, TransWISH Indonesia, and LSP Transafe.

About Transafe Indonesia

Transafe Indonesia is a registered HSEQ (Health Safety Environment Quality) training and consulting services in Indonesia. Registered Training Provider at the Ministry of Manpower, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and Registered Competency Assessment Venue by BNSP More Information can be obtained in Transafe Indonesia website (http://www.transafeindonesia.com) 

About TransWISH Indonesia

TransWISH Indonesia is a division of PT. Transafe Dharma Persada which specializes in Training For Trainer Sertifikasi BNSP, Soft Skill training and People Development Program. People Development Programs Included in the service is Training of Trainer, Leadership skill, Management skill, Professional skill, consulting, certification and team building (http://www.transwishindonesia.com)  

About LSP Transafe Indonesia 

LSP Transafe Indonesia is an Authorized Professional Certification Institution (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi) in the focus of the HSE and Oil and Gas Industry. Currently has 27 Scheme including Sea Survival BNSP and HUET Sertifikasi BNSP for Oil and Gas needs.

For more information, please contact Transafe Dharma Persada at:

Transafe Universe

Wisma Pede 3rd Floor Suite B301

Jl. MT Haryono Kav 17


P. +62 21 8311 903/904

F. +62 21 831 2847

E-mail: info@TransafeIndonesia.com

URL: www.TransafePersada.com